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Enactus Nationals 2022

Nitya Yadav

Every year, Enactus India organizes the National Competition, where young leaders demonstrate the real impact they make on people, the planet, and themselves.

The competition this year required the teams to create their submission in the form of a 12-minute video detailing their journey, their projects, what they achieved in the previous year, and what they hope to do in the future. A descriptive project report enlisting all major goals and details of the projects was also to be prepared.

2022 Enactus National Competition was a huge success, where we, at Enactus ARSD participated in the Mature Stage Competition presenting two of our projects namely -

Project Samvedna provides emotional support to mentally and emotionally challenged individuals; achieves environmental goals by donating items to the Earth Saviours Foundation (ESF) community for reuse; and raises awareness about the importance of mental health.

Under Project Srijan, we assist in the social upliftment of people of both the communities i.e. gardeners and potters, and believe in empowering them by creating employment; achieve the environmental promotion of the growth of plants resulting in a better future.

The Enactus Nationals featured 16 college-level Enactus societies competing and gathering votes and feedback on their entries over the course of eight days (24th June 2022 to 2nd July 2022).

And this year, our team emerged victorious, taking first place in the category of-

"The Most Voted Entry"

We look forward to continuing the streak and striving harder to gain such experiments and achievements in the future.

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