Since its inception in 2017, Enactus ARSD has worked towards uplifting the underprivileged and guiding them towards self-reliance through entrepreneurial action and empowerment. It was formed by a group of 5 students who were passionate to become social entrepreneurs with a vision and a mission to bring about a change and do their bit for the planet and its people. We, at Enactus ARSD, continue to carry that vision forward.
Our society has been growing ever since with highly motivated and determined students. Today, our team has dedicated future leaders who are focused on becoming better human beings. Through our projects, we aim to share this spirit of entrepreneurship with the world, tackle issues that matter and achieve UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
With little steps, we have earned recognition not only within our nation’s boundaries but also at an international level. Even times as harsh and depressing as the pandemic couldn’t hold our feet back from making an impact. We are also very proud to be collaborating with other Enactus societies so that together we all join hands and unleash the benevolence we have within to impact the human race for the better so that #weallwin.

Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College is a premier educational institution of Delhi University which aims to nurture excellence in education. Being ranked 13th among colleges in India and 7th amongst colleges in the University of Delhi by the National Institute of Ranking Framework, ARSD has always outshined among various fields.
The college is concerned primarily with creating an institution in tune with contemporary demands and enabling holistic development of all its stakeholders. Since it’s inception, the college has focused on character building and idealism. The motto of the college, “Tejasvinaavadhitam-astu” has been taken from the Taittriya Upanishad and means, “May our learning be endowed with radiance”.
The college looks forward, with a strong and dedicated vision, to achieve much more on its journey towards imparting quality education and holistic development.


Shri Pawan Jaggi
Shri Praveen Sethi
Prof. Gyantosh Kr Jha


Prof. Gyantosh Kr. Jha
Principal, Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College
Enactus ARSD, which was once a mere thought, has become a prominent
society of the College over the years. Since its inception, the Society has made enormous strides. Driven by the idea to engineer social change through entrepreneurship, it has indeed helped underprivileged communities become self-sufficient. The members of the Society not only provide viable business ideas to the needy, but also help them gain the necessary skills to achieve their objectives. Social Entrepreneurship, which is the foundation of Enactus, has become an integral part of the business world, involving as it does both the welfare of the society along with economic factors of running a business. The team has effectively achieved this goal by allowing partner NGOs to take over completely and manage businesses they were initially part owners of.
Enactus ARSD aims to pursue the 17 Sustainable Development Goals envisioned by the United Nations, spreading awareness as well as aiding the growth of environmentally and socially responsible citizens. The creative projects or entrepreneurial ideas, collaborations with various NGOs, as well as the events organized by the Society ensure the fulfillment of these goals. Additionally, by inculcating in students qualities such as leadership, teamwork, analytical skills as well as creative thinking, the Society also promotes the holistic development of stakeholders—the philosophical keystone of the College. I wish the very best to the team for their future endeavors, and place my confidence in their efforts and will to take the College and the Society to greater heights.