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“Academic Burnout and How It Can Be Overcome” By- Aniket Tyagi

Aniket Tyagi

The pursuit of excellence and perfection, which does not really exist, is what makes a passionate student feel drained and demotivated. The senseless obsession with sublimity is what makes it hard for students to settle with a sense of "good." However, one must be cognizant of the various ways in which academic burnout can be managed effectively. All it take is the substitution of existing habits with better ones. We will briefly go through some life-changing habits that will help you manage academic burnout while also improving your mental health.

Practical Methods to Overcome Academic Burnout:

Dealing with an academic burnout may be an uphill task at times, but once we take the reins of the issue, it becomes easy. Above are the most effective and proven strategies focused on minimizing the feeling of "burnout":

  1. Schedule a Self-Care Routine: Good physical condition aids management of mental fatigue.  Adequate sleep, regular exercise and balanced meals play a significant role in the process of mitigating the burnout situation. Moderate physical activity is known to release endorphins in the body, which ultimately reduce stress.

  2. Setting realistic goals: Breaking down large tasks into manageable and easy steps can go a long way in preventing burnout. For example, instead of completing a project at once, address specific and smaller tasks with clear and defined timelines.

  3. Creating a Supportive Study Environment: Surround yourself with positive influences which motivate you towards studying instead of toxic influences which burden you with undue expectations. Peer pressure is one of the leading causes of academic burnout.

  4. “Breaking the Chain”: Periods of continuous study sessions must be followed by short intervals to break the habit. These intervals may be used to grab a healthy snack,

    meditate, or to simply move around.

  5. Seek Help: Do not hesitate to seek help from professors, counsellors, or friends if you find yourself struggling with academic burnout. This may lead to helpful accommodations and provide relief by voicing your internal concerns.

    Lastly, remember that achieving academic success might seem like one of the most important objectives of life, but when looked at as a part of the bigger picture of life, it plays a very trifling role in one’s overall experiences. After all, life itself is nothing but an examination.


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